How gorgeous has this Cali weather been?! Definitely SO needed and appreciated during this crazy time. To stay consistent with our #stayingathome posts we wanted to introduce some exterior landscaping ideas that would be perfect during this time!
#1 Plant a Garden
Gardens are such an amazing way to get really fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs for cooking. Putting together some plant beds is really quite simple and anyone can do it! It would make for such a fun family activity and it'd be a great way to spend the day outside.
via Pinterest Plans here
#2 Add Some New Landscaping
Adding some new plants, trees, soil, or rocks to either your front or back yards can make ALL the difference.
via Pinterest
#3 Flower Power
Similar to plants, the right flowers can really brighten up the exterior of your home and bring in a fun element of color!
via Pinterest
We definitely want to clarify that we are by no means plant experts, so we are firm believers that if you take on the project of adding plants to your home it's important to research the plants that you want to use and make sure you can keep up with their watering requirements! This way you can have an idea of what the care and maintenance is, if they attract certain bugs/animals, etc. After you've done that, happy planting! Let us know if you guys revamp your front yard or backyard and send us some before and afters here or over on our Instagram @naomiewertinteriors. Check back next week for another post!