If you've been reading for a while you're going to recognize a few of these terms. Most likely because we really do take into consideration each design element. Not to toot our own horn, but most of the time they naturally fall into place when you know what you're doing/have natural talent. Keep reading for the 10 design elements!
#1 Scale
Scale refers to an object or space's physical size. This is important because if you have super high ceilings and incredibly tiny furniture it's going to make the space look really empty.
#2 Proportion
Scale and proportion pretty much go hand in hand. Proportion is the size of something in relation to it's surrounding elements. For example, having a ginormous coffee table that's bigger than the actual sofa....that would look weird. Or putting tiny pendants above a large island doesn't work either. If the scale or proportion is off, it's going to throw off the entire space.
#3 Unity
Unity is important because it refers to designing a space or home as a whole rather than individual spaces. That's not to say that each room has to be the same, that would be boring! It's more-so having a cohesive theme throughout, making sure all of the elements work together.
#4 Variety/Contrast
Variety and contrast comes in clutch when the design may be a little blah or boring, when there's too much unity (yes that's a thing). Instead of having one flat color throughout, it's important to throw in some different textures, color variations, etc.
Via Pinterest
#5 Balance
Balance is similar to unity but sets itself apart in the sense that the elements in the room aren't too heavy in certain areas.
Via Pinterest
#6 Rhythm
Rhythm can also be referred to as movement. Using other elements to create a natural movement or pattern is a super fun way to add interest to a space.
Via Pinterest
#7 Emphasis
This is kind of self explanatory...it's quite literally creating focal points or making certain pieces stand out while other elements sort of blend or act as a backdrop.
#8 Texture
Texture can come in many different forms. It doesn't just stop at the texture from physical touch, but can be incorporated from using different materials, finishes, fabrics, etc.
Via Pinterest
#9 Pattern
Pattern can also be brought in through different forms as well. It isn't just found in repeating patterns. Similar to texture, pattern can be incorporated through different materials. For example, wood can add a pattern with it's natural graining! Or even in a countertop...having grey veining in a white quartz adds pattern as well.
#10 Color
Color is definitely right up there with scale and proportion. Most times it's used to create a mood or create a certain feeling. Different color tones, saturation, and value always contribute to giving off a certain mood. Color is also used to create unity and balance.
As you can probably tell, all of the different elements sort of feed into each other. Each one is important, but most often they sort of come naturally! It definitely helps to understand each element in order to produce a 10/10 design.
What's your favorite element? Is there any you think a design could go without? Let us know in the comments or over on our Instagram @naomiewertinteriors. We'd love to hear what ya'll want to see from us moving forward so make sure you drop those ideas in the comments as well! Ciao for now...
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